What do you do when your prayers go unanswered? How do you navigate the disappointment you experience after years of praying for a breakthrough to no avail? You’re trusting God to come through, but your petitions seem to be falling on deaf ears. Faith is supposed to move mountains. Yet, it doesn’t seem to be moving the mountains in your life. This can be an incredibly tough road to travel as a believer.
I remember, years ago, having a meltdown in my apt because I felt like God had turned His back on me, and quite frankly, I was over it. Have you ever been there before with God? I was upset at what appeared to be a lack of concern on His part. I mean, if He truly cared, then why don’t I have what I’ve repeatedly asked Him for? The Bible says, “ask and you shall receive”, but receiving felt so far from my reach. I was mad, frustrated, and heart broken.
The beautiful truth is, God is not afraid or intimated by our emotions. He wants us to come to Him with EVERYTHING. Why? Because He can handle it. He has tremendous capacity for all the details of our lives. What great comfort there is in knowing that we can let out our raw emotions in God’s presence. And instead of running the other way, He chooses to stay close, wrapping His arms around us, and breathing new life into our dry bones. He revives us, filling us with the strength we need to keep believing, to keep fighting the good fight of faith.
So instead of throwing in the towel- I knock on God’s heart again. I choose to seek Him again, because I know that in the depths of my soul that God is not lying about what He said. He cares. And even though the answers may not come when we expect them, or how we expect them to– they will come. That’s the hope that nudges us to press
on- the answers will come. Total surrender and total trust. My Father’s got this! And whether I feel it or not, He is always for me, and always working it together for my good.
It’s like in some odd way, the unanswered prayers become a gateway into the depths of God’s heart. We come to know Him as Abba Father. The God who draws near. The God who wants us. The God who sticks closer than a brother. The God who reminds us that we are His priority. In case you forgot, you are the apple of His eye, His beloved child- never forget it.
Isaiah 55:11 always encourages me when I am struggling with doubt. Mediate on it when you get the chance.
“So shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth; it shall not return to Me void.
But it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper for the thing for which I sent it.”
We may not always have the clarity around why our prayers have not been answered, but this is what I come to understand-our prayers are always heard, and whatever God has spoken over your life will not return to Him empty. That should make you shout!
So don’t you worry, that situation is going to turn in your favor. It is only a matter of time. God is not going to let you down. Just hold on and keep fighting the good fight of faith
Guest Contributor: Shana Bee, is a digital creative, and a Virginia native. She loves being a source of joy, encouragement, and hope for people struggling to believe.
Instagram: @shanabeefree